Wayne Fontana & The Mindbenders – The Game Of Love

Wayne Fontana & The Mindbenders - The Game Of Love

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Wayne Fontana & The Mindbenders - The Game Of Love

Tuffiamoci negli anni 60 con questo one shot (o quasi) del signor Glyn Geoffrey Ellis in arte Wayne Fontana. Idolo dei college americani con la sua hit dal testo alquanto banale e pure un po' sessista. Il neozelandese Tex Pistol (eh?) nel 1987 ne fece una cover riarrangiandola per i tempi, evitabile anche questa versione.


"The Game of Love" is a 1965 song by Wayne Fontana and the Mindbenders, released in the US as "Game of Love".

Tex Pistol version

Morris was looking for a "more commercial" follow up to his Tex Pistol debut single "The Ballad of Buckskin Bob". He had begun work on a cover of The Underdog's "Sitting In The Rain" when advertising music collaborator Jim Hall suggested "The Game of Love" as a good song to cover.

Morris "immediately knew how it would sound". He credits its success to "a combination of technology of the time and a good simple song".

The song is notable for its unusual drum sound. Morris had been working on the audio for a card ad at the time. His curiosity piqued by a supplied video clip of a racecar going over a hill, Morris recorded the sound, sped it up, and mixed it with a clip of a snare drum.

The song also features Callie Blood, Morris's later collaborator on advertising jingles, on backing vocals.


Wayne Fontana (born Glyn Geoffrey Ellis, 28 October 1945) is an English rock and pop singer, best known for the 1965 hit "Game of Love" with the Mindbenders.

Ian Gordon Morris (22 January 1957 – 7 October 2010) was a musician, record producer, recording engineer and songwriter from New Zealand.


Live 2004


Tex Pistol

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